Heroes examples

Voice from Web to Phone

ClickDialUK help customers on website connect with phones, contact centres and/or IVR systems directly from website with simple click that does not require the regular telephony connection and makes the direct voice channel between website and phones, contact centres and/or IVR systems.

Computer Telephony for Learning
Async Voice on Video

When teacher unable to attend the classroom then students watching the recorded video ask questions by speaking on phone and when teacher open question then video start from the point where question was asked and teacher also then answer by speaking on phone.


ClickDialUK also means the more convenience for customers on website so they connect with phones, contact centres and/or IVR systems without dialling any phone number that is more comfortable for customers in general and for disabled customers in particular that also helps with Payments by Voice over Web using VoicePayUK systems.

ClickDialUK also extends ClickVoiceUK that enable websites to receive VoiceNote from customers requesting more information such that also shows the section of website that customers were browsing when recorded that VoiceNote to request more information.

ClickVoiceUK   VoicePayUK